For Amazon Game Studios highly anticipated game New World attract mode was chosen to support the regional social media management for France and Germany.
Additionally we created the branded content show “Journey to Aeternum” in collaboration with Rocket Beans TV. Which ran on Twitch.tv, YouTube and Amazon Prime Germany and showcased introductions to the game as well as in-depth looks into the various features in the game.
We partnered with the German Influencer Collective Rocket Beans TV to create the branded content show “Journey to Aeternum” for amazon game studios’ ambitious MMORPG New World. We were in charge of the project management and developed the creative direction in close collaboration with amazon and Rocket Beans TV. The show was also advertised via paid media and influencer marketing and ran on Prime Video in Germany.
One of the show’s design highlights is the completely customized recording studio in New World’s style.
In 2021 we supported Amazon Game Studios by managing the regional channels for France and Germany for their MMORPG New World, starting with the Open Beta and ending about 3 month after release.
We added a local value to the mix of social media posts for the New World channels by commenting, retweeting, and quote-retweeting local posts from media and content creators.